Category: car show

2025 – When Is The Next Car Show?

2025 – When Is The Next Car Show?

rat rod speedcult

UPDATED 01/16/2025: When it’s cold like it is now, it’s the thoughts of cool hot rods in warm weather that keep us going. A new season of shows is approaching fast and we’ll start listing the shows we will be vending at this year.

When’s The Next Car Show?

  1. Thee Detroit Autorama

It’s the first show we will be doing in 2025 and it’s always a good one. The cars and trucks you see here are truly great. Speedcult’s metal can be found in the basement level with the Autorama Extreme.

When: February 28 – March 2, 2025
Where: HUNTINGTON PLACE / COBO :: 1 Washington Boulevard :: Detroit, MI 48226
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  1. 36th Annual Run To The Sun Car and Truck Show

It’s time for us to seek out some warmer weather by taking part in this car and truck show. It will be our first time there and we are really looking forward to it.

When: March 13-15, 2025
Where: old Myrtle Square Mal :: 2501 N. Kings Hwy :: Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
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  1. 34th Annual Daytona Spring Turkey Run

It’s time for us to seek out some warmer weather. We’ll be making the Trek to Daytona for this show that takes place on the infield of the Daytona Speedway.

When: March 21-23, 2025
Where: DAYTONA INT’L SPEEDWAY :: 1801 W International Speedway Blvd, Daytona Beach, FL 32114
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  1. Vintage Torque Fest

When the month of May hits, we head to Iowa to visit our friends at the Vintage Torque Fest. Great, traditionally inspired hot rods, cool bands, and events. If you have never been to it, it’s definitely a cool show to check out.

When: May 2-3, 2025
Where: Dubuque County Fairgrounds :: 14569 Old Hwy Rd :: Dubuque, Iowa 52001
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Who’s ready for another shit show? It’s a shit show everyday a Speedcult, and we want to share it with you. So we are doing it again. It takes place at the old compound. We’ll be selling discontinued, unique items we don’t take on the road anymore, dinge finished goods, shirts and long lost forgotten stuff you all love…

Bring your Hot Rods, your motorcycles, and your favorite beverage. Buy some stuff and plan to hang out for the music in the evening.

When: June 7, 2025
Where: Speedcult :: 37852 S. Huron Rd. :: New Boston, MI 48164
More Info 1:





Panty Raid 2020

Panty Raid 2020

Okay all of you hot rodders. The next show that Speedcult is planning to be selling at is the Panty Raid, which is put on by the Piston Jammers. That is, unless you-know-who cancels it.

There aren’t a lot of opportunities to enjoy some cool rides. So take advantage of this one. It happens on Saturday July 25, 2020. Gates open at 10am.

Where: 8243 Monroe Rd, Lambertville Michigan 48144

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Vintage Torque Fest 2020

Vintage Torque Fest 2020

Because of the Coronavirus, Vintage Torque Fest has moved from it Spring dates to 4th of July weekend. Festivities actually begin on Friday, while the car show starts on Saturday morning at 11am until midnight. Then again on Sunday from 8am until about 3pm.

We know you are all jonesing for some action after our incarcerations. This will be a great chance to see all your friends and to make new ones, with or without social distancing, depending upon which brainwashing you subscribe to.

When: July 4=5, 2020

Where: Dubuque County Fairgrounds :: 14569 Old Highway Road :: Dubuque, Iowa 52001

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Lonestar Round Up 2020

Lonestar Round Up 2020

One of our favorite shows, which called the Lonestar Round Up, has been postponed due to the coronavirus situation. The new date will be over Labor Day Weekend. Don’t miss it because there are always a lot of great vehicles at this one.

And even if you are not a car fan, this is a must attend event, because you can be sure music is always great. I mean, it is Austin after all.

When: September 4-5, 2020

Where: Travis County Expo Center :: 7311 Decker Lane :: Austin, Texas 78724

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Daytona Turkey Run 2019

Daytona Turkey Run 2019

Daytona Turkey Run Logo

There are many Thanksgiving traditions like eating turkey and getting together with family and friends. But here’s one you might not have tried: the Daytona Turkey Run. And if you haven’t been to it, you really should check it out.

One of the cool things about it, is, it’s held right on the famous Daytona Speedway. You know the one I’m talking about… The one where all those NASCAR buggies whip around and around for 500 miles of fancy racing.

This year’s event takes place starting November 28th and keeps going right through to December 1st. Cars and sunshine, you just can’t beat it. Especially when you see what we have to deal with here in Detroitsville, USA.

So where would you rather be? At your snow covered, cold, cold house, arguing with your family over who get’s the last drum stick; or hanging out in the warm sunshine of Florida, checking out cool rides while you imbibe a brew or two? That’s what I thought.

Where: Daytona International Speedway :: 1801 W International Speedway Blvd :: Daytona Beach, FL 32114

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Iron Invasion 2019

Iron Invasion 2019

iron invasion 2019 image

Check out the Iron Invasion. The 2019 show is this weekend and this is one that Speedcult does not want to miss. So we will be there slingin’ our metal to all you good people who make it.

Be there: Saturday October 5, 2019 at 9am sharp. Cool rides, cool bands, mini bike races and more.

Where: McHenry County Fairgrounds :: 12015 Country Club Rd :: Woodstock, IL 60098

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Ducktail Run 2019

Ducktail Run 2019

The James Dean Weekend celebration in Grant County, Indiana is coming, and that means it is time for another Ducktail Run Rod & Custom Show. It’s a big one, with over 2000 cool rides to see.

Mark it on your calendar. Speedcult will be set up there selling all of the metal you love so much.

When: September 26-29, 2019

Where: Gas City Park :: 701 S Broadway St, :: Gas City, IN 46933

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Frankenmuth Auto Fest 2019

Frankenmuth Auto Fest 2019

The 37th Annual Frankenmuth Auto Fest is the first weekend after Labor Day and Speedcult will be there. This year, it starts on Friday September 6th. And it will end on Sunday, September 8th. It’s a great setting with lots and lots of cool rides that you won’t want to miss.

Where: Heritage Park.:: 600 Weiss Street :: Frankenmuth, MI 48734


Woodward Dream Cruise 2019

Woodward Dream Cruise 2019

Sorry. I’ve been so busy, I forgot to post about this. It is, of course, the Woodward Dream Cruise weekend. We will not have an outdoor display for it. However, you will be able to find Speedcult in the beautifully air-conditioned Rustbelt Market in Ferndale, at the corner of Woodward and Nine Mile.

Where: Rustbelt Market :: 22801 Woodward Avenue Ferndale, MI, 48220

Did I mention it’s going to be hot and humid on Saturday? Well it is. Get out of the heat and visit Speedcult in the beautifully air-conditioned Rustbelt Market. It is open on Saturday from 11am until 7pm.

They will also have cold, cold beer in the beautifully air-conditioned Rustbelt Market on Saturday.

Visit us for some cool metal cutouts of the cool car logos you see cruising down Woodward. Remember. It will be air-conditioned inside where we are setup.

Speedcult is going to the Panty Raid

Speedcult is going to the Panty Raid

We like to go to the Panty Raid, put on by the Piston Jammers, when we can. This year is one. We first started vending their shows back when they had it in Downtown Toledo. Now it’s held in a park that feels like it has a secret entrance. It’ll be a good time. So see you there.

When: Saturday July 27, 2019 – Rain or Shine

Where: 8243 Monroe Rd :: Lambertville, MI 48144

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