Category: Detroit

Speedcult at the Rustbelt

Speedcult at the Rustbelt

speedcult at the rustbelt

And for all of the Metro Detroit types and Metro Detroit visitors, don’t forget! Speedcult has retail space at the Rustbelt Market in Ferndale where you can purchase our metal cutouts all up close and personal.

The Rustbelt Market is at the corner of Nine Mile and Woodward in a can’t miss location. As of June 13, 2020, you will find them open on the weekends: Saturday 11am-4pm; and Sunday 11am-4pm.

Visit their site for more info:

Woodward Dream Cruise 2019

Woodward Dream Cruise 2019

Sorry. I’ve been so busy, I forgot to post about this. It is, of course, the Woodward Dream Cruise weekend. We will not have an outdoor display for it. However, you will be able to find Speedcult in the beautifully air-conditioned Rustbelt Market in Ferndale, at the corner of Woodward and Nine Mile.

Where: Rustbelt Market :: 22801 Woodward Avenue Ferndale, MI, 48220

Did I mention it’s going to be hot and humid on Saturday? Well it is. Get out of the heat and visit Speedcult in the beautifully air-conditioned Rustbelt Market. It is open on Saturday from 11am until 7pm.

They will also have cold, cold beer in the beautifully air-conditioned Rustbelt Market on Saturday.

Visit us for some cool metal cutouts of the cool car logos you see cruising down Woodward. Remember. It will be air-conditioned inside where we are setup.

Speedcult is going to the Panty Raid

Speedcult is going to the Panty Raid

We like to go to the Panty Raid, put on by the Piston Jammers, when we can. This year is one. We first started vending their shows back when they had it in Downtown Toledo. Now it’s held in a park that feels like it has a secret entrance. It’ll be a good time. So see you there.

When: Saturday July 27, 2019 – Rain or Shine

Where: 8243 Monroe Rd :: Lambertville, MI 48144

More Info:

The Woodward Dream Cruise Is Coming

The Woodward Dream Cruise Is Coming

dream cruise 2017

The Woodward Dream Cruise for 2017 is fast approaching.  The cool thing about this event is that anybody and everybody can be involved… even accidentally so to speak.  And that’s because it’s an open road and you might have something classic like the Edsel pictured above, and then along side of it, Mom driving her mini-van to the grocery store.  Just know there will be lots of cool rides in the mix, no matter what.

Speedcult will be there too.  We’ll be set up at the Rustbelt Market, found at the corner of Woodward and Nine Mile.  So if you get the itch to buy a cool metal logo after seeing all the cool cars, we’ll be there for you.  Plus there’s lots to do in Ferndale as far as eats and drinks go. 

Anyway, now that I have your attention, I’m sure you are wondering when this fine event will be taking place.  So pull out your calendars boys and girls and pencil in August 19th.  See you then!

Sins of Steel 2017

Sins of Steel 2017

sins of steel 2017

Sins of Steel 2017 is just around the corner. Yep.  You can’t keep Speedcult away from their style of Motor City Mayhem.  It’s the first Saturday of June… Be there.  And you wanna know where?  Why Davisburg, Michigan, that’s where.

Where: 4-H Fairgrounds :: 2451 Andersonville Rd :: Davisburg, MI48350



sins of steel 2017 flyer

2017 Car Show Schedule Update

2017 Car Show Schedule Update

car show

Here is the list of car shows we are planning to vend at the rest of this year.  Some of the dates are more firm than others.

May 28th: Beatersville
Sorry, but we will not be able to make this one. But you should check it out if you can.
Louisville, KY

June 3rd: Sins of Steel
Davisburg, MI

June 10-17 Hot Rod Power Tour
7 cities in 7 days

June 22-25: Back to the 50’s

July 7-9:  AMA Vintage Days

July 14-16: Syracuse Nationals
Syracuse, NY

July 29th:  Panty Raid 2017
Lambertville, MI

August 19th: Woodward Dream Cruise
Ferndale, MI

Sept 2-3: Greaserama
Kansas City, MO

Sept 8-10: Frankenmuth Auto Fest
Frankenmuth, MI

Sept 15-17:  NSRA Vermont ???
Burlington, VT

Sept 21-24: Ducktail Run
Gas City, IN

Oct. 7th: Iron Invasion
Woodstock, IL

Nov. 17-19: Moultrie Swap Meet
Moultrie, GA

Nov 23-26: Turkey Run
Daytona, FL