We still have shows that we plan to sell at going into the Fall Season. It looks like we’ll be going South for a couple of shows in November. We’ll be in Georgia and then Florida on back to back weekends. Hope to see you all there.
1. Bayou Round Up
Speedcult did plan on selling at this show. However, something has come up and Speedcult will not be able to make the trip down to Louisiana for this show. But if you are in the area, that doesn’t mean you cannot go. Check it out, it’s put on by the guys that do the Lone Star Round Up in Austin, TX.
October 7-8, 2016
Lafayette, LA
Link: http://www.bayouroundup.com/
2. Moultrie, GA Swap Meet and Car Corral
November 18-20, 2016
Moultrie, GA
Link: http://www.moultrieswapmeet.com/
3. Daytona Turkey Run
November 24-27, 2016
Daytona, FL
Link: http://www.turkeyrun.com/